Paul Combs

Paul Combs joined the fire service in 1995 and is a retired lieutenant for the Bryan (OH) Fire Department. He is an FDIC presenter, keynoter, and H.O.T. instructor and recipient of the 2018 Fire Engineering/George D. Post Instructor of the Year Award. He is an instructor with On-Scene Training Associates and the City of Bryan Regional Training Academy and lectures on leadership and success planning.
Courses By Paul Combs

12 Recipes for Success in Leadership

To be a good leader, you must be willing to have a positive attitude, maintain your credibility, and be humble. In this course, Paul Combs invites you to learn the 12 recipes for success in a leadership role. These recipes are standards the foundation for success. As Lieutenant (ret.) Paul Combs walks you through the recipes for success, he shares key advices, stories, and his cartoons proving that if you have a passion for the fire service and follow the recipe for success, you will find success as a leader.

Course Type: Full-length Course

Course Duration: 60 min

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