Course Builder

Use the Course Builder Tool

To Create Custom Courses for your Department

Convert your training documents into courses

Create & Track Department-Specific Training

Upload your training, such as documents, videos, and PowerPoints, and easily turn them into interactive courses to drive engagement. Track course completions using e-signatures & provide custom certificates of completion.

Courses for all learning types

Engage all types of learners

Enhance your personnel’s learning experience by including multiple-choice checkpoint questions, audio, images, checklists, and other features.

Custom assignments for fire departments personnel

Create course catalogs and customize visibility

Give a specific set of users visibility to enroll in certain courses and learning plans based on rank, certification, and more.

Join Fire Engineering Training

Ready for next-level training?

Our sales team will be in touch soon to discuss our available plans and how we can assist your department in meeting its training requirements and needs.

Firefighter Online Training