View Courses in This Topic

Introduction to Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting (ARFF)

Airport rescue and firefighting services can differ significantly in terms of staffing, equipment, vehicles, operating procedures, airport size, emergency activities, and the types of aircraft they serve. Throughout this course, we will review the knowledge first responders should have when responding to aircraft or airport fires, including but not limited to the layout of the airport, the type and size of aircraft at the airport, different fire extinguishing agents, evacuation protocols, and how to read and navigate additional resources like an Airport Emergency Plan (AEP). The information in this course aligns with 14 CFR Section 139, AC 150/5210-17, NFPA 440, NFPA 460, and NFPA 1900. Procedures at your facility may not align with all the information presented in this course, so be sure to follow your local protocol.

Course Type: Full-length Course

Course Duration: 120 min

Municipal Response to ARFF Incidents

Aircraft accidents pose unique challenges to municipal firefighters who may not have been specifically trained in aircraft rescue and firefighting techniques. Departments near an airport may be called on for aircraft-related incidents and should seek to train for a safe and effective response. In this course, we will discuss regulations, aviation specifics for response, extinguishing aircraft fires, search and rescue operations, hazmat mitigation, and scene preservation.

Course Type: Full-length Course

Course Duration: 60

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