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Ron Zawlocki

Ron Zawlocki is a 49-year fire and rescue service veteran who served as the rescue team manager with Michigan’s Urban Search and Rescue Task Force (MI-TF1). Zawlocki has shored more than 1,000 live trenches and has pioneered the destructive testing of trench rescue shoring systems to validate factors of safety. He has taught fire and rescue courses throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico, and the Middle East for more than three decades and has developed several technical rescue training programs. Ron coauthored the book Trench Rescue: Principles and Practice for NFPA standards 1006 and 1670 and authored course textbooks and articles published in national fire and rescue service magazines. He is now retired.
Courses By Ron Zawlocki

Trench Rescue: Excavation, Trenching, and Soil Mechanics

Responding to a trench rescue requires quick and accurate action. Understanding how to handle the situation best and not make it worse is imperative. After years without much information on the topics of trench collapse and shoring unstable dynamic soil conditions, an innovative method has been designed specifically for firefighters to rapidly and accurately estimate worst-case soil forces associated with these incidents. This course addresses OSHA CFR 29 Subpart P; OSHA CFR 29 Part 1926 Subpart P.

Course Type: Full-length Course

Course Duration: 60 min

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