Emergency Responders have high stress jobs and are often exposed to trauma daily increasing their risk for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and burnout. 

Within an organization it is important to provide resources to your personnel and give them tools to combat their stress and trauma exposure.  

What are the signs of burnout & PTSD?

Knowing the signs of burnout and PTSD can help an organization intervene quickly and support their personnel. It is also important that your personnel understand the warning signs to be able to ask for help.  

Signs of Burnout

  • Cynicism
  • Detachment
  • Irritability

Signs of PTSD

  • Intrusive Thoughts
  • Avoidance
  • Emotional Regulation Difficulties

How Can Leadership Support & Help Prevent Burnout 

Effective leadership and communication are essential for guiding your personnel through challenges. Here are some tips on how leaders can create a supportive environment: 

  • Open and Transparent Communication – be open with your personnel. Openly address any concerns they raise and seek feedback to build rapport within your teams. Lack of communication can lead to anxiety and disengagement.
  • Build A Positive Culture – An organization’s culture affects morale and has a direct impact on personnel burnout. Be sure to set time aside to build morale within your companies with activities like company dinners, game nights, or outdoor activities such as team runs or sports games. 
  • Practice Empathy – Build trust and stability by being empathetic as a leader. Actively listen and offer support when personnel come to you with concerns. Do not be a leader who says things like “toughen up” or “that’s the job” as these can make your personnel feel disregarded.

Tools for Firefighters to Prevent Burnout


Firefighters develop skills to help keep them safe on the fireground but they should also develop skills to support their mental health, especially with a high-stress job with exposure to trauma.

Practice Mindfulness

Set reminders throughout the day to ground yourself in the present moment such as going for walks and enjoying nature. 

Reflect on Positives

It is easy to focus solely on the bad calls but reflect on the good calls too. Reflect on how you an your team handled different situations positively.

Focus on What You Can Control

Stay up to date on the latest trends and safety precautions. Seek out additional training resources to keep your skills sharp and ensure you are prepared for different situations. 

Finding the right resources might be challenging. Here are a few we recommend:


From Fire Engineering Training – online training & management

A well-rounded training program includes mental health resources, so we’ve added courses and short videos, such as FDIC Insights: Setting Boundaries and FDIC Insights: Handling Stress. Take a sneak peek.


From Firefighter Nation – dedicated to igniting firefighter wellness

Burnout, Complex PTSD, and Resiliency

A Crisis of Purpose: Confronting Moral Issues and Burnout in Our Firehouses


From Fire Engineering Books – their Health & Wellness section includes books (and ebooks!) that cover all aspects of NFPA Standard 1500, which details requirements for developing, implementing, and maintaining occupational safety, health, and wellness programs.

Hope Out of Darkness: A Guide to First Responder Mental Health – By: Dena Ali

Operational Intelligence for Health, Wellness, and Leadership – By: Gamaliel Baer

Firefighter Emotional Wellness: How to Reconnect with Yourself and Others – By: Jada Hudson