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Randy Budd

EMS Captain
Mesa Fire & Medical Department
Randy Budd is the Emergency Medical Services Captain for the Mesa Fire & Medical Department. He has been a member of the Mesa Fire/Medical Department for 21 years serving in a variety of positions such as firefighter/ captain paramedic and paramedic program director. A former flight respiratory therapist for Petroleum helicopters INC, Budd has been involved in medical education and biomedical repairs his entire career. His focus over the last couple of years was to develop and implement noninvasive ventilation in the pre-hospital setting. Budd was recognized for this monumental project and received an top innovator at the 2014 JEMS conference.
Courses By Randy Budd

Invasive and NPPV in the Prehospital Setting

In the pre-hospital setting, providers need all tools at their disposal to ensure patient care. One of these tools that can be of great benefit is a mechanical ventilator. We will review the benefits of a mechanical ventilator versus manual resuscitative devices, how to choose the right machine for your department, and how to prevent lung injury, morbidity, and mortality typically caused by bag valve mask ventilation.

Course Type: Full-length Course

Course Duration: 60 min

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