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Dr. Joseph P. Ornato

Dr. Joseph Ornato is the medical director of the Richmond Ambulance Authority and Richmond Fire and EMS, as well as a professor in the Department of Emergency Medicine at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU). Along with these roles, Ornato has participated in cardiopulmonary resuscitation research and is an Editor of the journal Resuscitation. In the past, Dr. Ornato was a chairman of the American Heart Association’s (AHA) National Emergency Cardiovascular Care Committee, along with the Advanced Cardiac Life Support Subcommittee, also serving as the AHA’s national representative to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute’s National Heart Attack Alert Program’s Coordinating Committee and chairman of the Science Base Subcommittee. Dr. Ornato also chaired the National Steering Committee on a public access defibrillation trial along with these committees. With the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium, he was a cardiac co-chairman and acted as a principal investigator for VCU on the Neurological Emergency Treatment Trials (NETT) sponsored by the NIH. Dr. Ornato is also the principal investigator on a developing drone-delivered naloxone system, grant-funded by NIH/NIDA.
Courses By Dr. Joseph P. Ornato

Revolutionizing Cardiac Arrest Survival

Cardiac arrest leads to hundreds of thousands of deaths a year. Due to this fact, those falling victim to this life-threatening incident must be assisted as quickly as possible. Research has shown what can be done by bystanders on scene before first responders arrive, what first responders can do when they arrive, and what can be done in the hospital to improve the survival rate of a cardiac arrest patient. The bottom line is time is the enemy, and we need to work against it to reach these patients as quickly as possible.

Course Type: Full-length Course

Course Duration: 60 min

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